Social work with individuals or
social case work is one of the main parts of a generalist approach to social
work practice. Main focus is to help individuals help themselves. Traditional
methods are frequently combined in practice where the workers may work
basically with individuals and families and set goals that may also include a
group or community effort.
Every individual reacts
differently to his social, economic and physical environments and as such
problems of one individual are different from those of another. The practice of
casework is a humanistic attempt for helping people who have difficulty in
coping with the problems of daily living. It is one of the direct methods of
social work which uses the case-by-case approach for dealing with individuals
or families as regards their problems of social functioning. Case work, aims at
individualized services in the field of social work in order to help the client
to adjust with the environments.
A method is well understood to be
an orderly way of procedure and therefore it is always carried out towards
achievement of a specific aim. Social work methods is such method that social
workers use to help people of all ages and from various sections of society to
enhance their social functioning and to cope more effectively with their
problems. Social workers do not pick and choose what problems and issues they
would like to address. They see a problem even a very difficult problem, and
try to help people solve it. They must prepare themselves to help people with
individualized personal problems on the one had and very broad problems that
affect whole organizations and communities on the other.
Perlman (1977) tries to
understand this process of helping individuals in terms of a person with a
problem, who comes to a place (an agency) where a professional representative
(trained person) helps him by a given process. She thus delineates the four basic
components of social casework, viz., person, problem, place (agency) and
process. She explains that problems arise from some needs or obstacles to the
fulfillment of these needs, or accumulation of frustrations, or maladjustment,
or sometimes from all of these put together.
These individually or together
threaten or have already attacked the person's living arrangement or the
effectiveness of his efforts to deal with it. These problems are tackled
through a process which is a progressive transaction between the professional
(trained) helper and clients. It consists of problem-solving operations carried
on within a meaningful relationship (purposefully established).
These operations aim at
developing the client's effectiveness in coping with his problem and/or so
influence the problem as to resolve or vitiate its effect. The person is the
one who is "in need of help in some aspect of his social-emotional living,
whether the need be for tangible provisions or counsel. Perlman (1977) thus
defines social casework as a "process used by certain human welfare
agencies to help individuals to cope more effectively with their problems in
social functioning".
The concept of 'social
functioning' has gained quite an important place in social casework. This
concept fully explains the meaning of the adjective, 'social', used with the
word 'casework' and helps in differentiating it from psycho-work, i.e.,
Social casework enables an
individual to obtain a higher level of social functioning through an
interpersonal transaction or face-to-face or personto-person encounter. The
caseworker helps the client to act in order to achieve some personal/social
goals by utilising the available resources in terms of strength of personality
of the client, his social system or material provisions available in the
community and/ or agency. Caseworker's knowledge and expertise, and material
resources are used (as tools) to inject strengths in the person to enable him
to move more satisfyingly in the social situation he finds difficult to deal
with. Richmond (1917), who gave a scientific status to casework, defines social
casework as one consisting of "those processes which develop personality
through adjustments consciously effected, individual by individual, between man
and their social environment".
The intervention takes place
through a professional relationship between the worker and the person and also
between the worker and other individuals whose interaction with the person
affects his role performance. Since social functioning is product of interaction
among intrapsychic, somatic and social forces, social casework involves
assessing the internal and social factors which impair or threaten the person's
role performance and helps him to find and use the somatic, psychic and social
resources at his disposal to eliminate or reduce malfunction and to enhance
functioning in social roles.
Anything that is social, will
evoke psychological responses, similarly anything (thinking and feeling) that
is occurring at the level of psyche (i.e., psychological), is bound to show in
one's social life (verbal or non-verbal interaction). Psyche always works in
social context, therefore, his behaviour (social functioning) has both
psychological as well as social components. The caseworker intervenes (helps)
in any or all of these aspects to enable the person to function adequately and
properly in his various social roles.
It is presumed that any person
who has some problem with his thinking (cognitive), feeling (affect) or acting
or their interaction will not be able to function properly and adequately in
his social roles (like that of a father, chairman, citizen, man, scientist,
etc.) assigned to or achieved by him. Social functioning means functioning in
different roles one has achieved or has been assigned by society according to
his position. Bartlett (1970) defines social functioning as "the
interaction between the coping activity of people and the demand from the
environment". The caseworker does not offer help to the person only at his
personal request but also when the person does not seek/or resists help.
Caseworker, in addition to the person in need of help, may work with those
people also who are in some way or other important for solution of the person's
problems. The help is offered through a particular process as mentioned before.
This process is usually termed as study, diagnosis (assessment), formulation of
goals and planning, treatment, evaluation and termination.
Psychosocial approaches within
social work draw on psychoanalytic theory and practice derived from the work of
Freud and his followers. Florence Hollis, an important writer in this field,
summarizes the main elements of the psychosocial approach as follows:
'It is an attempt to mobilize the
strengths of the personality and the resources of the environment at strategic
points to improve the opportunities available to the individual and to develop
more effective personal and interpersonal functioning'. (Hollis 1977).
This definition stresses the
importance of both internal and external factors in relation to people's
capacity to cope with the everyday stresses of modern living. As such, it
contradicts the myth that psychosocial approaches are only concerned with
people's inner, emotional life: the
external world is also an important area of analysis and concern. It is
important to note that psychoanalysis has been influential in the development
of a range of different theories and therapeutic approaches that are relevant
to social work, including ego psychology; crisis intervention; attachment
theory; Erikson's conceptualization of the 'eight stages of man'; transactional
analysis; group therapy, particularly group analysis; and psychoanalytic
perspectives developed in relation to systems theory, ecological perspectives,
and family therapy. In the past, a psychosocial approach has been linked to the
term 'casework' or 'social casework' (Howe 2002).
At the heart of casework - and
psychological approach - lies the relationship created between the service user
and social worker. 'The social worker shows human concern for clients but
disciplines his or her use of the relationship in keeping with the assessment
of the client's needs and interventive goals'. What differentiates
psychoanalytic perspectives from other schools of thought is the concept of the
The psychosocial framework is a
distinctive practice model that originated early in the profession's history.
Its goals are to restore, maintain, and enhance the personal and social
functioning of individuals. Drawing on psychological and social theories, it
has evolved considerably from its Freudian and ego psychological underpinnings.
It has incorporated new knowledge on gender and diversity. Assessment, of the
client the client worker relationship, respect for diversity, and an
appreciation of client strengths are fundamental to the psychosocial approach.
It uses both individual and environmental interventions and can be applied to a
broad range of client populations. There is empirical evidence for the utility
of psychosocial intervention but more research on the psychosocial framework is
In the beginning the aim of
social work was to help but later on due to influence of psychology and
psychiatry, personality and behaviour treatment have also been added as the
objective of social casework. Basic orientation of social caseworkers is of
different kinds and with the result diagnostic and functional schools appear in
the practice of social casework.
Functional social casework was
developed by Jessie Taft (1937) and Virginia Robinson (1942), the then faculty
members of Pennsylvania School of Social Work. Taft and Robinson, both were
influenced in their work, by the philosophy and teachings of Herbert Mead and
John Dowey and later by Otto Rank, a disciple of Freud, who broke away from him
in the later part of his life.
The functional school was further
developed and sustained by Kenneth Pray (1949) and Ruth Smalley (1967). Its
development can be regarded as a reaction to the diagnostic school of social
work which was heavily influenced by the Freudian concepts of personality and
treatment in the 1920s and for many years thereafter.
The therapist (caseworker)
assumes sole responsibility for treating the client. In this approach, the
client is helped to readjust to his past events which are affecting his current
functioning. This view of psycho-analysis and its effect on casework practice
continued till 1970s when neo-Freudians changed the concept of man from 'the
created' to the creator self.
Functionalists considered human
activity as purposive and deliberate and not only as the result of pushes by
internal and external forces. Human personality is considered as always in the
"process of becoming", constantly working towards realization of all
its capacities.
Functionalist helps the clients
only in one phase or fragment (part) of the total problem because of the
assumption that change in anyone hurting area of his life could bring in a
'salutary effect' on the total psychological equilibrium of the client.
Functionalists give utmost
importance to the use of agency function in helping process. This is considered
as unifying and direction-giving to the helping process. It gives focus and
contents to the helping interaction. It is because of the use of the agency
function that social work is called an 'institutionalized profession'.
Functionalists believe that agency provides
"reality boundaries within
which the ex-client can test and discover his ability to work out his problem
and make a satisfying adjustment or readjustment to the wider realities".
"The worker sets up the conditions as found in his agency function and
procedure; the client tries to accept, to reject, to attempt to control, or to
modify that function until he finally comes to terms with it enough to define
or discover what he wants, if anything, from this situation" (Taft, 1937).
Diagnostic school, based on
scientific (psychic) determinism, believed that the client is the product of
his past, that he is ill and needs treatment. The client is diagnosed and
subjected to treatment. The presenting problem is regarded as merely an expression
of deeper psycho-pathological condition.
The diagnostic school is
basically founded on the Freudian theory of psychoanalysis. Mary Richmond gave
shape to these thoughts in the form of a school. She wrote first book on social
casework i.e. Social Diagnosis in 1917. The other contributors of this school
were Marion Kenworthy (New York School of Social Work), Betsey Libbey (Family
Society of Philadelphia), Gordon Hamilton, Bertha Reynolds, Charlotte Towle,
Florence Day and Annette Garrett. The Diagnostic school is based on the
following main foundations.
Principles of Diagnosis
1. Social
casework help is based on the understanding of each client individually and
his/her problems. It is essential because it gives a realistic basis for
differentiation, and a base for the improvement of the client's social
situation and personal satisfaction and adjustment. The diagnosis is based on
the following principles:
2. The
diagnostic process consists of a critical study of a client and his/her
situation and the trouble concerning which help is sought or needed for the
purpose of understanding the nature of the difficulty with increasing details
and accuracy.
3. Diagnosis
is based on the knowledge of the worker about the interplay of social and
psychological factors affecting the client.
4. The
knowledge of interaction between inner and outer forces influencing the client
makes the process of diagnosis helpful and therapeutic.
5. Every
problem of the individual should be understood in the light of multiple factors
6. In
the initial stage also, relieving of pressure of stresses and strains on the
client, helps the caseworker to arrive at a proper diagnosis.
7. The
initial appraisal of personality and motivations and their significance in the
development of client's problem provides the basis for planning the treatment
of the client's problems.
8. For
the solution of the problem of the client, it is of utmost importance to gain
some knowledge of his/ her current capacity to work and to recognize the
motivating forces in his/her behaviour.
9. The
understanding of the psycho-dynamics and the pathological symptoms of the
personality of the client provides the basis of determining the kind of help
that can be appropriately offered.
Principles of Treatment
1. The
main objective of the treatment is of alleviating the client's distress and
decreasing the malfunctioning in the person situation system. The above
objective is achieved by enhancing the adaptive skills of his/her ego and
functioning of the person situation system. It is based on certain principles:
2. The
forces of the discussion in the interview is centered on the problem and ways
of resolving it. Attention is paid to know the obstacles both situational and
behavioral that stand in the way of solution.
3. Nature
and extent of both social and psychological factors differ in each situation.
4. Treatment
goals and techniques are planned after a careful study of the particular needs
of the client.
5. The
success of the treatment program is based on the utilization of the
relationship purposefully.
Social therapy and psychotherapy
are the two broad classifications of social casework treatment. Use of
techniques like encouraging, emotional discharge, reassurance, support,
suggestion, guidance and direction, provision of new experiences, clarification,
interpretation is part of the treatment process, etc. The relationship is the
medium of treatment through which client is enabled to find new ways of
perceiving his/her problems and of handling himself.
Crisis intervention was initially
developed as a response to the growing demand for services in situations where
immediate assistance was required for large numbers of individuals. The
shortage of personnel and the fact that most therapies are, in practice, short
term (average of 4.7 contacts with therapist according to the National Center
for Health Statistics, 1974) have further contributed to the development of
crisis intervention and to its becoming the treatment of choice for many
Lindemann, Caplan and other
theorists have provided a firm theoretical basis for what has come to be known
as crisis intervention. However, as Ewing (1978) points out, for most part the
architects of crisis theory have not explicitly spelled out specific modes of
intervention, even though they have referred to them. Many of the techniques
and principles of crisis intervention have developed through the efforts to
meet more effectively the specific needs of particular populations. Ewing
(1978) has defined crisis intervention as the informed and planful application
of techniques derived from the established principles of crisis theory, by
persons qualified through training and experience to understand these
principles, with the intention of assisting individuals or families to modify
personal characteristics such as feelings, attitudes and behaviors that are
judged to be maladaptive or maladjusted. Crisis intervention is the kind of
psychological first aid that enables to help an individual or group experiencing
a temporary loss of ability to cope with a problem or situation. Crisis
intervention programs originated as an attempt to serve unmet treatment needs
of individuals, but now they have come into their own as an important treatment
Levels of Crisis Treatment
Jacobsen, Strickler & Morley
(1968) and Morley (1970) have discussed different levels of crisis treatment:
a) Environmental manipulation. In this case the helper serves as a referral
source, getting the client in touch with a resource person or facility. b) General support. It consists basically of
active listening in a non-threatening manner, allowing the person to speak in
some detail about his problem without challenging him. c) Generic manipulation.
It is helping the person resolve a crisis by accomplishing certain
psychological tasks that are the same for all the people experiencing the same
crisis regardless of individual differences. d) Individual approach. It focuses
on the specific needs of the person in crisis and emphasizes the assessment of
the psychological and psychosocial processes that are influencing the client.
It looks at the specific psychological tasks and problem-solving activities
that each person must accomplish in resolving a particular crisis. These levels
of intervention are not mutually exclusive although there is usually one that
is predominantly used in the treatment process. Therefore, it is possible to
use an environmental manipulation and at the same time use a generic or
individual approach or other combinations of treatment strategies.
When we talk of approaches, these
are not theories in the strict sense of the word; these are conceptual
frameworks or systems of thought. The exponent of each theory puts forth
arguments in favor of his or her particular theory. But there is no evidence in
practice that one is more effective than the other. At the same time, none has
been proved useless at an empirical level. Though supporters of particular
theories are inclined to emphasize the divergence between theories, there are
aspects common to many
theories. There is no single
personality theory which explains all types of human behaviour. Similarly,
there is no unitary practice theory in casework, and therefore it is necessary
to adopt an eclectic approach. Eclecticism means the use of the best of
knowledge gathered from a number of different theoretical orientations.
'Informed eclecticism' entails in-depth knowledge of the theoretical approaches
from which one selects principles and procedures of action. Taking bits and
pieces from many theories and using them casually without any definite purpose
is not informed eclecticism. The utility of a theory or theoretical
prescription can be assessed in terms of the kind of problems it is concerned
with, the type of clients to whom it can be applied and, most pertinently, in
term of its effectiveness in producing results. Professional skill is required
on the part of the case worker to assess every client and to select a suitable
procedure based on empirical evidence. The core of eclecticism is that it aims
at choosing a procedure suitable for the client rather than fitting the client
to a procedure in hand. The choice of a particular conceptual stance is the end
product of an intellectual and emotional process and it is likely to be
influenced by the particular personality make up of the case worker. An
eclectic approach does make heavy demands on the caseworker in that he needs to
have substantial knowledge and practical skills. He should analyze and
evaluate. Most importantly, he should have the tolerance and flexibility to
have his own attitudes altered to be willing to try new procedures. All these
would imply that casework practitioners should involve themselves in an ongoing
process of education. Refresher courses, seminars, workshops and such other
programs are methods for providing continuing education to social workers
teaching and writing.
Within the eclectic approaches,
the ecosystems perspective was useful in aiding evacuees. Drawn from ecological
and systems theory, the ecosystems perspective integrates systems composed of
people and their physical-social-psychological-spiritual-cultural environments,
systems in which each part impinges on every other part. The ecosystems
perspective includes four levels of social systems: micro systems, where the
immediate, face-to-face focus of concern is on individuals and families; meso
systems, where links are drawn between evacuees, their 2 extended families, the
temporary, church-based disaster center where they live; eco systems, where
evacuees are linked to other settings that do not normally include the evacuee
but impact their well-being (e.g., ARC, Salvation Army, Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA), Federal Income Compensation Act (FICA), and national
electronic banking); and macrosystems, where lifestyles, socio-economic
resources, hazards of natural disasters like Katrina, and social, spiritual,
and cultural beliefs and value systems impinge on one another.
One way of assisting a client is
by using a problem-solving approach. The problem-solving model can provide the
case worker with a means of finding and using whatever is useful within the
different therapeutic models. Many case workers operate using an eclectic
approach to helping people. To work effectively as an eclectic case worker, it
is better to be systematic and thoughtful about the ideas, methods and
techniques that are borrowed from other therapeutic models rather than to
randomly and thoughtlessly apply different theories. (Egan: 1994) The problem
solving model assists with the effective application of an eclectic approach to
The problem-solving model
contains 7 stages:
Stage 1: Initial Contact.
Key Activities of the Case Worker
Listening, and engaging.
Listening Skills include:
§ Appropriate
non-verbal responses.
§ Body
leaning forward.
§ Open
body posture.
§ Eye
§ Non-verbal
encouragers e.g. nod head.
§ Minimal
verbal encouragers e.g. ahhh or mmm.
§ Appropriate
arrangement of the room so that the client feel comfortable and safe.
Engaging or establishing a
trusting and open relationship. To do this the Worker needs to:
§ Tell
the client their name.
§ Ask
the client what they prefer to be called.
§ Show
interest in the client i.e., find out about hobbies, interests, friends etc.
§ Demonstrate
a friendly attitude.
§ Demonstrate
a non-judgmental attitude.
§ Show
a capacity for honesty.
§ Ask
appropriate and relevant questions.
§ Ask
the right amount of questions.
§ Offer
direction and leadership where needed
Common Client Reactions:
§ Anxiety.
§ Fear.
§ Anger.
§ Attitude
to Case Worker is strongly influenced by past experiences and what client has
been told about community service practitioners.
§ Sense
of helplessness.
§ Defensive.
§ Resistant.
§ Skeptical.
§ Confusion.
Dealing with Client Responses
§ Ensure
§ Explore
problem at client's pace.
§ Respect
client's defenses.
§ Acknowledge
client's sense of betrayal with previous workers.
Stage 2: Problem/s Identification.
Key Activities of the Case Worker
§ Finding
out the client's views; what do they see as the problem/s.
§ Identifying
the problem in terms of need rather than the solutions to the need.
§ Exploring
the client's strengths or the good things in their lives.
§ Developing
a working alliance with the client.
§ Brokering
other services if casework is unacceptable or inappropriate
Stage 3: Identifying
Possible Solutions.
Key Activities of the Case Worker
§ Collecting
all ideas regardless of their merit. This means trying to get a large number of
ideas gathered rather than high quality or feasible solutions. The Case Worker
must refrain from evaluating and clarifying the ideas until the next stage in
the process.
Client Responses to Stages 2
and 3.
Difficulty understanding Case
Worker's processes.
§ Denial
of problems.
§ Denial
of dependency.
§ Aggression.
§ Fright.
§ Flight.
§ Acting
§ Ambivalence.
§ Overwhelmed
by problems and pours out concerns to worker.
Dealing with Client Responses.
§ Accept
client's defenses and work with them not against them.
§ Demonstrate
a professional approach to problem solving.
§ Pinpoint
the problems that concern the client the most.
§ Clarify
how client and worker can work together to tackled the problems.
§ Acknowledge
if the client is working with the Case Worker because of coercion, for example,
because of a court referral. Stay with their betrayal, hear it and listen to
their story. Do not move on before the client is ready and trust has been
Stage 4: Developing a Case Plan
Key Activities of the Case Worker
§ Clarify
the meaning of each proposed solution.
§ Asking
the client which alternatives they prefer.
§ Exploring
the client preferred solutions in terms of positive and negative effects upon
themselves and significant others.
§ Considering
the solutions in terms of what the client may want to achieve both in the short
and long-term.
§ Determining
the client's goals.
§ Working
out achievable tasks for the client. Some tasks may need to be shared with the
Case Worker. Decide upon these tasks and work out a who, what and when action
§ Breaking
down longer term goals into sub goals or stepping stones to the larger goal.
§ Working
out goals and expressing these in measurable terms so they can be evaluated.
The SMART principle can help here (specific, measurable,
achievable/appropriate, realistic and time framed)
Stage 5: Action Phase
Key Activities of the Case Worker
§ Reinforcing
positive changes with praise and recognition.
§ Rewarding
or celebrating achievements.
§ Organizing
sessions to discuss progress and to provide guidance and assistance for the
§ Client
Response to Stages 4 and 5.
§ Defenses
are lowered.
§ Develops
a closeness to Case Worker.
§ Client
talks freely about the past.
§ Client
feels safe to ventilate emotions and to recount painful experiences.
§ May
start to model behavior, speech and dress on the Case Worker
Dealing with Client Responses
§ Support
client through painful recounts.
§ Offer
alternative strategies if planned solutions to problems do not work.
§ Offer
alternative ways of dealing with problems rather than destructive, defensive or
resistant behaviors.
Stage 6: Monitor and Review.
Key Activities of the Case Worker
§ Taking
time with the client to review the progress of the case plan.
§ Assessing
what is working well and why.
§ Assessing
what isn't working well and why.
§ Setting
new goals and tasks to reflect this evaluation.
Client Responses.
§ As
the client moves through this phase, they will begin to separate from the
worker and become increasingly independent.
§ Develops
a clearer sense of identify.
§ Becomes
more realistic about problems.
§ Despite
movement forward, the client may experience some regression to previous
ineffective behaviors.
§ Looks
better and sounds better.
Dealing with Client Responses
§ Support
§ Anticipate
some regression.
§ Help
to reframe any setbacks - help client identify the learning in the regression
and reframe the experience positively. This gives the client permission to make
some mistakes and not feel that they have to get new behavior perfect first
time around.
Stage 7: Termination or Transfer.
Key Activities of the Case Worker
§ At
this point, the client prepares to move on because they have reached their
goals or to another service which is better able to respond to different or
changing needs.
§ This
stage can be a time of celebration of achievement but also some sense of loss
for the clients. Time must be allowed for these feelings to be expressed and
processed with the Case Worker.
Client Responses.
§ Sense
of loss or ambivalence
§ Memories
of past losses may be rekindled
§ Depression
§ Act
§ May
create a crisis to keep Case Worker engaged
§ May
try to make the worker feel guilty
§ People
always desert me
Dealing with Client Responses
§ Prepare
for termination in advance
§ Help
client to discuss the sense of loss
§ Review
the client's achievements
Source: Approaches to
social Case work, P 94-112.
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